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About the service

Zsu Therapy has been providing caring and effective massage, reflexology and aromatherapy treatments since 2010. Zsu always aims for creating a healing and safe environment where people can unwind, release tension and forget about the outside world and leave feeling calm and recharged. Client feedback is very important and encouraged during a session to make sure everyone leaves satisfied. If you like deep, strong pressure, you won't be disappointed. If you need a gentle and relaxing treatment, that is exactly what you will receive. 


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About Zsu

From a young age, curious about the mysteries of the human body and mind, I was initially drawn to medical studies and entered nursing school. Meanwhile, I was rapidly discovering holistic and natural therapies and I came to realise that nothing exists in isolation and how our bodies and minds influence each other. That's why massage therapy and reflexology are so incredible. They work on many different levels, be that physical or emotional. People who receive regular treatments report magnificent changes in their wellbeing. Fascinated with the healing power of natural therapies so much, that I keep finding new training opportunities irresistible. 

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